Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Sept 10, 2023, CENTENNIAL, REVOLUTION, MASCULINITY, Male/Female Roles
Published on Sep 10, 2023
*** The Little House on the Prairie (Series), CENTENNIAL (1876), (non-jew) Russian immigrant and family decrying excesses of the czar, seeing that in America, even with the outrage of the U.S. government excesses, offers so much more ... (You think the Czar was bad as most of the monarchs were, the WORST was yet to come when the Bolsheviks would take over).
*** Armed revolution does not guarantee the desired outcome.
*** Warren and Emily on MASCULINITY and roles of men and women. We maintain the solution is NOT “Racial Militancy” but returning to the BIBLE - the plan that works.
*** Jim and Diane, introducing Jim to the ‘founding fathers’ of revisionism.
*** Ernst and Ingrid Zundel
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Jim and Diane, Walk and Talk, WEATHER, IGAN, REVOLUTION, MAYOR, July 14, 2023
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