Head Niggers In Charge

Published on Aug 20, 2022
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This video aims to inform the public, thus warn the people, of the escalating plague of Black violence perpetrated on all walks of life, without regard to age, race, or EITHER of the TWO genders. My hope is that you take information from these compilations and use it to protect yourselves.
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Copyright (c) 20___ [C.Richard Gladden], Corel Corporation and its licensors. All rights reserved.


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The content presented in this stream and/or video may be satirical in nature for entertainment purposes. It may contain realistic scenarios that may include themes of racism, anti-semitism, anti-LGBT sentiment and even elements such as death threats, all purely in the context of parody. In addition, this content may depict or refer to acts of violence in a satirical manner. Shock factor is a common and deliberate element used in these displays to emphasise the satirical message. By continuing to view this content, you acknowledge that you understand the satirical nature of this content, including the depiction of violence and the use of shock factor, and agree that you will not use or interpret this content outside of its intended context. Please remember that humour and satire are complex; they are not intended to belittle or demean, but to engage and challenge social norms through exaggeration. If you have any concerns about content, please feel free to engage in constructive dialogue or report issues to GTV staff.

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