(April 16th, 2024) The Enemies Of Japan, Subhuman Tengu and Nigger Sue Japan Police for racist, Our police did nothing wrong .

Published on Apr 19, 2024

(April 16th, 2024) The Enemies Of Japan,
Subhuman Tengu and Nigger Sue Japan Police for racist, Our police did nothing wrong .

They will go to the current age most powerful nation, Then make any dirty way they can, To ruin your traditional and Heritage .
To change the other ethnic laws and take away their crown, Even their own nation right, They play this game since the ancient times, The fall of rome is one of the great example .
They can tell lies to say any country that they from, Just like the Nigger Slavic Chinese Korean etc .
When you see them, You know is them, You can smell their genetic bloodline from miles away .

I've already said it, 2024 They have try all of this again and again Trying to colonial Japan, But they have failed .

Our police did nothing wrong .
Any Tokyo Media who Promote Foreigners, Have the same crime with them .

In Tokyo,
Just look how arrogant are these subhuman foreigner Jews/Tengu shit skin Nigger to take issue with another country's rules and sue .

Just look at these subhuman ugly ass bitches, For their Colony to Japan, These freemason again and again trying to use their International law to change Japanese anti-foreigner law .

International law mean Jewish/Tengu communist equality law, And this is Japan, Only Imperial Japanese Law will be approved!!!!!

Not long ago, Their British sue Japan new anti-foreigner laws, Now these Jews, Niggers and Shit skin indian together to sue Japan .
How arrogant it is to take issue with another country's rules and sue .
And all know their only purpose, is for remove our Tenno system and colony Japan with their subhuman foreigner .

This is Japan!!!!!!!
Not the ugly ass semitic/communist shit skin, Mix, Or foreigner nations!!!!!!

Fuck you Jews/Tengu, Go back to your 6 Heavenly Tengudo!!!
Fuck you Nigger, Go back to Africa Hungry Ghost Realm!!!

Japanese is based on Japanese bloodline, It will never change!!!!!
Our police did nothing wrong!!!!!
You and your subhuman, All of you should fuck off from Japan,
All these Foreign dogs, Tokugawa family 自民党 自衛隊 Kishida, Except them, No Japanese will ever welcome you to Japan!!!
And all of you will be wipeout!!!!!

If you're not being wipeout, You think the world is run by your equality laws!!!



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