Published on Jul 18, 2020
COVID 19 is Climate Change on steroids. It has been created due to the climate agenda losing momentum. The Club of Rome is where it all starts and ends with its adherents like Prince Charles, his father, Philip and Boris Johnson's father Stanley (and Boris himself) finally believing they can pull this off. Imperial College (Neil Ferguson) is also closely tied to the Club of Rome and not only did Ferguson come up with the pandemic "no. of deaths" model used by the UK and USA and other nations, but Imperial College also have been at the core of developing the data on what new types of behaviour are needed by the general public to achieve Carbon emissions reductions and the ways in which that behaviour can be achieved. It just so happens that what we are seeing, today, with social distancing and mask wearing and creating the belief in this virus, has catalysed that behaviour. In addition, the film also shows the great urgency which the climate change proponents were putting on achieving a significant "kickstart" to meet the goals they have for 2030, 2040 and 2050 and that the year that significant momentum had to be seen start - at the latest - was 2020.
It will be clear to the viewer that we are being indoctrinated and inducted into the "New World" with Covid 19 and Covid 19 was no accident or unplanned event.
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MASS Indoctrination Climate Change FEAR | CORRUPTION of Science 2020
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