Swindler's Grift - Original Song
Published on Feb 12, 2022
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This song wouldn't exist if youtube hadn't censored me. Thanks Susan!
there is a land across the sea beyond the shores of Galilee
they tend to bend their history just ask the USS Liberty
they gunned ‘em down while LBJ said hey
I’d rather not end up like JFK
I swear I’ll never take their nukes away
wonder who rules over you it’s who you can’t defy
hum a silly song or two they’ll clamor for your hide
in the Great War Balfour pledged to yield the Promised Land to the Crimson Shield
but first more blood to flood the fields another war will seal the deal
with a boogeyman to scam their master plan
to hoax it so their folks get the Holy Land
though from a hundred and nine others they’ve been banned
wonder who rules over you it’s who you can’t defy
hum a silly song or two they’ll kvetch at you for life
through deception they wage wars and wares they stage plays like Lavon Affairs
the Samson Option’s on beware you’d better cut off Samson’s hair
the Philistines we’ll bring them to their knees
by billing you with bills we print like leaves
our funny money tends to grow on trees
wonder who rules over you it’s who you can’t defy
hum a silly song or two they’ll act like they all died
when the Soviets overtook as champs they exaggerated murder camps
with gory stories of soaps and lamps 6 million was their magic chant
but the news had used the 6 million ruse for years
a spooky number needs to stoke the fears
despite it being clearly just for feels
wonder who rules over you it’s who you can’t defy
hum a silly song or two they’ll strike you while they cry
when Ghislaine’s father’s water date implicated heads of state
they watch with software her sisters’ made that Monica was clearly bait
they knew who blew 9/11 you want proof
just ask the dancing students on the roof
that Direct Energy made them go poof
wonder who rules over you it’s who you can’t defy
sing a silly song or two you have an alibi
the olden Babylonian shtick continued with the Kazar’s grift
they defend their right to a divine gift to rule mankind with an iron fist
and in case a slave will brave them and complains
they’ll cancel you and hide behind their race
despite it’s our rights they’re trying to replace
wonder who rules over you it’s who you can’t defy
write a silly song or two shine light on the tribe
while their lobbyists connive
oh that Iron Dome’s a lie
this world is so contrived
might as well just smile
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