How To Grow Lemongrass from Cuttings - Over wintering in the UK & Cold Climates

Published on Jul 2, 2021
Paulo shows you how to grow Lemon grass from cuttings and how you can over winter them if you are in a colder climate like the UK.

Lemongrass is very tricky to grow from seed so it is much better to buy supermarket stalks. You need to search for the lemon grass stalks with the most amount of root base left on them. These base stems will root easily if you give them a moist, rich, soil, sunlight and warmth.

Before long your cuttings will be sprouting very well, even in a very cold climate like the UK. The most important thing is to give them loads of love in the early days to get them robust. Lemongrass can tolerate outdoor conditions in summer but if you are in a cold climate should be brought in as a house plant in winter.

Alternatively you can keep them going in a greenhouse but they still could perish in extreme winters especially if they are cold and wet. During the summer these grow best undercover and can produce very large, ornamental lemongrass plants.

These tropical loving grasses are great for Southeast Asian cuisine including Tai Green Curry and Jungle Curry. They are also very aesthetic and make very beautiful potted plants for a warm patio in summer.

Paulo thinks you should get out there, and give them a go!

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