Published on Nov 12, 2022
Institut für Sozialforschung ,,, Frankfurter Schule
These people are "neo-marxist" or better known as "cultural-marxist".While original Marxism/Communism was a Jewish-economics based, "Cultural-marxism" is "race-social" based with elements of the original economic policies. The Jews figure they have broken us financially, that the only thing left to destroy is the racial, cultural, and social elements of our White people.
The Frankfurt School and how it destroyed western culture via a Marxist Communist Ideology
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

I would like to respectfully disagree with your phoney charges of ,, like hate speech etc..Facts are that trolls are flagging everything what they not like, clear violations of my freedom of speech rights, those who disagree with what is not politically correct using tools like censorship,suppressions technics, bad attitudes like intolerance towards true pluralism, those who think they are some kind of supreme thought police,phoney arguments like hate speech,the political correctness mafia who I DISAGREE WITH etc because insanity rules over everything,paid youtube lynch mobs silencing those they disagree with (instead of expressing that disagreement) by being dictatorial,silencing dissent highlights important reasons why we should never silence any view or idea, because of mere outrage or offence,Silencing Critics – The War on Media Freedom blocking them out of public debate.The elitist culture increasingly demands that all who disagree with them must be coerced into submission and silence etc. ,,,This is a dangerous trend. In a free society like ours ,,,,,instead of the idea of thinking for oneself. ... collectivism thinking = intolerance.
I am not violating because the flagging rampage is clearly trolling attacks trying to prevent me from exercise my civil rights etc. ,,,trolls making false fake complaints ,,,trying banning me, in fact the trolls are actually the ones who are abusing our civil rights that is who are the evil ones in order to curb shut down free speech by acting like a wolf in sheep's clothing ,,or ,,
The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper first described it in 1945—expressing the seemingly paradoxical idea that, "In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance. ... etc. ,,, political correctness above common sense = Are we losing our ability to reasonably disagree? ,,,,,,, stop people being honest about what they think for fear of being attacked by the mob. ,,,,, The PC Mob today again is political correctness “gone mad” who disapprove anything who disagree with ,,, are people using the "safe space" concept to silence those they disagree with. ,,,, snowflake mob gone berserk ,,,,hate speech claims is a powerful tool to people who want to silence radical perspectives. They can call these viewpoints that they dislike hate speech. Those who dissent from the opinion please do it not by being evil and by silencing the expression of an opinion.FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION has long been regarded as the cornerstone of liberty. Indeed, without the ability to speak our minds freely the ,,,,,,,,,the illiberal left is using name calling and intimidation to silence those they disagree with.Silencing Fellow Citizens:While the free expression of ideas is considered essential for democratic ... think that it is important not to silence those with whom they disagree. It is not acceptable to silence someone they find offensive. Deception by silencing disagreement and dissent, is finally a crossing "legal line" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,Censorship is never the answer to opinions you disagree with. The mob society generally wish to silence those with whom they disagree.


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