"I will serve you" Princess Leonor asks Spaniards for their confidence | FULL speech with ENG SUBs
Adolf Goebbels
Published on Nov 2, 2023
The princess of Asturias, Princess Leonor, receives the Collar of the Order of Carlos III at the Royal Palace after taking the oath of allegiance to the Constitution for her coming of age
Princess Leonor has asked Spaniards, after swearing in the Constitution on Tuesday, to trust it as she trusts in "the future of Spain":
"I owe myself from today to all Spaniards, whom I will serve at all times with respect and loyalty. There's no greater pride."
The princess has pledged to behave in a way that deserves the "recognition and appreciation" of the Spanish people: "On this important day, I ask you to trust me, as I have placed all my trust in our future, in the future of Spain." And he stressed that he will fulfill his obligations with total dedication and unconditional dedication: "Always trying to grow as a person with the love and support of my family".
Leonor has reaffirmed her "solemn, formal and public" commitment to the democratic principles and constitutional values that she has said she assumes "fully", and with this, she has also said that she assumes "a great responsibility towards Spain" that she has hoped "to reciprocate with the greatest dignity and with the best example".
Leonor gave an institutional speech at the Royal Palace after the swearing-in ceremony of the Constitution that was held in the Congress of Deputies, as provided for in Article 61 of the Magna Carta for the Crown Prince when he reaches the age of majority.
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