MyWhiteSHOW - Geo-History World Tour. Men Women Offense

Published on Nov 25, 2020
* Click to THE source for more:
Let’s take a turn around the globe talking geology and White history, pyramids, other megalithic structures, sea navigation schools, and more.
Some of this knowledge comes from the amazing works of Martin Doutre and James McCanney, whose websites are given along the way.
Also in this s01e19 issue of MyWhiteSHOW — which is Your White Show — is a brief discourse on a vital and natural difference between our White Men and White Women. And this directly relates to the enemy jewry and their tools.
In the third segment, I invite you to ponder memes and other images on the kikes making and breaking the rules that they illegally, oppressively, tyrannically enforce on us Whites. Yes, of course, the focus is on the current false-virus Covid-19 rules. And thanks to David Irving, we expose another set of jews and crypto-jews atop another state of the United States, specifically Pennsylvania.
Click to my website where I say and show more -- full Free Speech:


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