Jim and Diane, Walk and Talk, July 29, 2023, ECO-NUTS, WORSHIPPING 'HOLOCAUST', VAX SUITS
Published on Jul 31, 2023
*** Renewable energy and false conclusions about climate change, windmills, solar panels which actually cost MORE in resources - are they THAT ignorant or THAT malicious!!!
*** Jews aren’t religious EXCEPT where it comes to worshipping, supporting, endorsing, promoting THE “HOLOCAUST”.
*** VAX Makers - Murder, sued - NOT INJAIL. PIKEVILLE, Ky. — STAT’s multiyear legal battle to unseal secret Purdue Pharma files in a Kentucky court has produced dozens of documents that lay bare new details about the company’s marketing strategy and the role of Dr. Richard Sackler, a member of the family that founded and controls Purdue, in making OxyContin a top-selling pain pill. Starting in the early 1990s, the internal emails and other documents describe Purdue’s preparation for the opioid’s launch in 1996, its plans for targeting OxyContin to non-cancer patients with chronic pain, and how the company aggressively fought off threats to its blockbuster’s sales, even as the opioid epidemic took hold.
*** Charlotteville song, changed for THEIR narrative from “YOU WON’T REPLACE US” to “JEWS WON’T REPLACE US???
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Jim and Diane, Walk and Talk, TUB TROUBLES and JIM AND JEWS, July 8, 2023
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