Mr. Bond - Blood & Soil

Published on May 29, 2020
Third Reich Music Vids:
Mr. Bond
Blood & Soil
Mein Kampf Mixtape Vol. 1488 Chapter II
Hey yo, you know what I don't like?
(Why you send all the niggers to me)
I don't like when, I work hard
(Why you send all the niggers to me)
you know, build an empire
(Why you send all the niggers to me)
And then you got the parasites coming in
and they wanna take you over
[Chorus 2x]
Why you send all the niggers to me
When Israel's standing there
Why you send all the niggers to me
When Africa's standing there
[During chorus]
Hit you with subversion, you know
trying to divide and conquer
But little do they know, we're only nice and friendly
until we're not
[Verse 1]
Now what the hell is you lookin' for?
Can't a young White have a country anymore?
And not get robbed on his way to the store
by a pack of dindus looking for a score
Can't my economy be better than yours?
Can I have a Barbie without no flaws
and raise our blonde kids without no poz?
In a White town where they don't lock doors?
I was nice
Ashkenazi made me nazi
Did it for the Volk so can you not harp me?
Again they wanna rob me so they try pozz me
ban my party and replace it with Stasi
Kikes on the block know The White's motto
ein Volk, ein Reich, that's why we all got dough
make me a cuckold, meet my Gestapo
We'll chase kebab back down to Morocco
[Chorus 2x]
Why you send all the niggers to me
When Israel's standing there
Why you send all the niggers to me
When Africa's standing there
[Verse 2]
Yo, I understand their hate when they look at me
Cuz on the real, look at me
Yo, it always be the Hebrews scheming in the rear
to make us disappear, but they better listen here
support white genocide and reap what you've sown
Cuz shit like Cologne is something I can't condone
So it won't be long, you'll catch a bullet to the dome
I'm friendly, but keep off my family home
Why you don't like me?
Cuz I'm mad fly and mighty?
And you inbreds 'll never get a high as whitey
if it wasn't for our altruistic nature
you'd be dead but instead we forget we hate ya
you nationwreck just to stack some paper
It's like you can't wait for your next erasure
You're jealous of our girls, sorry they're committed
non-Whites can't hit it, you got to deal with it
[Chorus 2x]
Why you send all the niggers to me
When Israel's standing there
Why you send all the niggers to me
When Africa's standing there
Blood and soil baby, blood and soil (Sieg Heil)
Blood and soil baby, blood and soil (Sieg Heil)
Blood and soil baby, blood and soil (Sieg Heil)
Remove kebab baby, remove kebab (Deus Vult)
[Verse 3]
Used to go to the Greek coast, where it's hot and sandy
chill on our yacht, spend time with the family
flights to Paris, France, all White and fancy
now everywhere there's nigs raping grannies
we get invaded by savages on rafts like Miami
Jews on TV say it's cool to be a tranny
their resolve to debauch us is uncanny
trying to make our girls mix that's what the plan is
so they push Ahmed to get in her panties
Jew, you really think you'll get in her panties?
Please, for Aryans there is no upgrade
so niggers can achieve that with nothing but rape
Now if it's not a problem, please, get off my lawn
or we might have to dust off our Boss uniforms
throughout history many tried to hit me
But ended in a ditch or ovened crispy
[Chorus 4x]
(Mase Lookin' At Me Parody)


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