Kahane group leads another protest against alleged bias against Soviet jews

Published on Aug 18, 2022
(27 May 1971) 05/27/71 c0018405 / color
new york: kahane group leads another protest against alleged bias against soviet jews:

cut "kahane" shows: ms large crowd, bg sof: cu rabbi kahane at mike: bg sof: zoom in on poster: ls crowd w / us flag, cops: cu girl, others holding clenched fists: scenes group, parade down street w / signs and flags, bg sof throughout:
(shot 05/27/71 51ft)
(note * orig to wttg)

anti - ussr - us
student struggle for soviet jewry
jewish defense league
anti semitism - ussr
kahane, meir

allalouf / 51 ft / 16 col / pos / d31787
130 ft / 16 col / pos / cuts /

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