The Battle of Monte Cassino | Italy in World War 2

Published on Jul 6, 2020
In the winter of 1944, the Allied powers had already landed in Southern Italy and were pushing north. It became obvious the Axis were losing the war, it was only a matter of time. They wouldn’t go without a fight, however. The Allies wanted to take Rome, with one of the obstacles on their way being the Archabbey of Monte Cassino. This giant building, on top of a hill, was to be taken by them. What they didn’t expect was the fierce resistance by the Germans protecting these lines: it would take the Allies 4 incredibly deadly and disastrous planned assaults for them to finally overtake the Archabbey… or, well… whatever rubble was left of it. It was one of the deadliest series of assaults by the allies on the Italian front during the Second World War.

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Photos, paintings and imagery: Public Domain, Wikicommons

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