Virology debunks corona

Published on May 11, 2021
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all credits to Spacebusters
Because knowledge is power
What is a virus?
A virus is not a bacteria nor does it act as a bacteria.
A virus is not a living being.
There has never been proven the isolation of a virus, unlike bacteria.
In other words, there is no scientific study from a laboratory, clinic, university, institute or whatever, that can prove the isolation of a virus.
Until now, 2021, no one could isolate a virus.
It is not possible to isolate a virus, not now, not ever.
All the images where we are shown the morphology of a virus, are fake, they are artistic renderings, in order to deceive our mind.
The original etymological meaning of the word virus is POISON, a foreign substance which is harmful to an organism. Only after the germ theory was imposed as truth, was the meaning changed to acellular microorganism invisible under the microscope.
Viruses are waste / debris / garbage / toxins / poison, which are generated when a cell in a biological organism (for example the human body) becomes toxic and stops operating normally, eventually disintegrating, releasing protein and genetic code (DNA / RNA) in the process, and it is within this set of residues that “scientists” arbitrarily choose which fragments are “viruses” and which are not.
In other words, a virus has no nucleus, it does not have a digestive system, it does not have a respiratory system, it does not have a reproductive system, IT IS NOT A LIVING BEING.
Every day, within the human body, millions of cells die, releasing in the process, viruses, that is, waste / debris / waste / toxins, which are released through the skin, breath, urine and feces. So it has been until today.
That is, it is not possible to “catch” a virus.
Viruses are not "caught" by air - viruses are not bacteria nor do they act like bacteria.
Viruses / toxins are produced INTERNALLY by all biological organisms.
That is, the only way for a biological organism (for example a human body) to "catch" a virus, that is, toxins, that is, poison, is if the human body is exposed to some bite of poisonous insects / animals (snakes, spiders ) OR, if for example it is inoculated with residues / debris / garbage / toxins / viruses / poison, present in “vaccines”.
The PCR test is a scam, the test's own author, Kary Mullis (died in 2019), has repeatedly expressed that the test is not conclusive, the test is not to be used scientifically, it is just a mere indicator of genetic material (DNA / RNA) and NOT A DETECTOR OF VIRUSES.
The mass media (tv channels, newspapers, radio) in all the coutries are all under control. Politicians, presidents and ministers, are nothing but puppets to follow the (((agenda))).
Facebook, youtube, tweeter, instagram and others, are part of the system, they are all under control and heavily censored.
Wikipedia is not a credible source of information
Fact checks are not credible source of information
So, why are they doing this? Why do they want to “vaccinate” us?
The “vaccines” are not vaccines, the proper name is injections/shots and the content is POISON/TOXINS/VIRUSES. The “vaccines” are bioweapons to disrupt our DNA and our immunity system, and will allow them to interact with anyone who got the shot, through the 5G grid.
5G is not a mere communication system, 5G is a military weapon, which suppresses the immune system of all organic life, and whose harmful effects on human, animal and plant life are enormous.
The mask is a symbol of submission and ignorance, in addition to not only considerably lowering the level of oxygen in the human body, but also increasing the level of carbon dioxide, that is, lowering the immune system's defenses, that is, potentiating respiratory problems and keep us submissive forever. THE (((SYSTEM))) IS ANTI-LIFE. Certain masks contain ethylene oxide, a cancer-causing chemical.
Money is a control system, the creation of money without any support on something tangible, something material, is an aberration, (((usury))) is an aberration, the creation of money out of nothing is an aberration – that way inflations and deflations are created, rich and poor are created, speculation and greed are created.
Money only benefits the top of the (((pyramid))). Money buys everything, corrupts everything. As long as this keeps on going, humanity will never be free.
It’s time to wake up!
How about turn off the TV?
How about stop paying attention to the politician puppets?
WE HAVE THE POWER! They only appear to have the power by keeping us in a hypnotic state with sports, pornography, movies, and booze!
How about a new reality without control systems like money, governments, countries, religions and armies?
A new reality is coming, what reality would you like to create?

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