Jim and Joe BitChute Video Comment Update, Apr 28, 2022

Published on Apr 29, 2022
1) 9-11 Video, LInks.
2) Bro Nate, Video Links - http://brothernathanaelfoundation.org/videos
3) Direct Energy Weaponry
4) Tesla, Hutchinson Effect, Direct Energy and Judy Wood; Where Did The Towers Go, Dr Judy Wood (Part 1 - 4 )
5) 9-11 A Nuclear Meltdown - issue with the security of a basement and the water barrier. What happened to the filing cabinets, elevator doors, desks, but there was paper everywhere?
6) https://www.rosemaryfrei.ca/revisiting-dr-judy-wood/
**** Revisiting Dr. Judy Wood - Because She's Right About 9/11 - Rosemary Frei Dr. Wood's book Where Did The Towers Go: Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11 deserves attention. Its 500 pages provide compelling evidence that the towers were made to go 'poof' by very advanced technology. And we can also conclude that that technology could instead be harnessed for the good of humankind.
**** From Joe Rizoli - https://www.bitchute.com/video/oaiKAvioDmPT/ This talk below coincides with the Towers bombing linking the JEWS. It was on YouTube but they took it down..Gee, I wonder why..lol It pinpointed the Jewish neocons for the Pentagon bombing which was not a plane hitting it but a missile, what a talk she gave… I took snippets of the talk with screensavers, here is the first of many…The talk is called, or was called “911 Pentagon Attack, Behind the Smoke Curtain” by Barbara Honegger… But it is here on BitChute thank goodness, A MUST WATCH…, it is an incredible talk connecting the dots to ALL the Jewish bigwigs behind it…
7) ADOLF HITLER - The Ultimate Red Pill
8) Holocaust MisInformation or Truth


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