Hone your focus. We are Creator beings✨ (resonance filtering)

Published on Aug 11, 2020
Resonance filtering is finding what resonates with you, digesting it, and applying it as a useful tool for your life. You have to parse through sensory data in order to find the material that resonates with your heart, filtering out the rest that doesn't serve you at that particular moment in time. We incorporate what resonates with our hearts at the time, possibly encountering the old filtered data at a later time where it might resonate with us then. The mind, body, and spirit evolve throughout this process, sometimes barely and other times majorly.

Hey Masters!

How are you? How is reality? Thank you guys for joining me here in this Now and thank you for simply being the radiance that you are!✨

In this video, I discuss the power of our focus, our thoughts and our emotions on our realities. We are creating our realities whether we are conscious of it or not. So they key is to become conscious, to be present, to observe the inner and outer landscapes, so that you can align with the energy that will transform your life and all lives!

Right now, what thought feels best? Pick a thought, any thought and notice how it feels within. If you can hold a thought for at least 15-30 seconds law of attraction and law of resonance will bring similar, resonate thoughts into your field. But remember: notice how the thought feels within your body. Does it feel good or constricted? Your emotional body is a guidance system to assist you in aligning with your higher Self.

Have a beautiful Now friends!


🔸My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/annaebrown7

🔸So much gratitude If you would like to donate to my channel😊: https://paypal.me/AnnaBrown777

🔸If you would like to work with me in a private session, please email me at: annaelizabeth777@hotmail.com

🔸My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaebrown7/

🔸My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100025462176186&ref=bookmarks

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