"Put Them On Point!"

Published on May 16, 2020
Advice for the Fence-Sitters
January 14, 2011
If you have any doubts about how wide spread this Jewish conspiracy is and if you think it’s just a "few" Jews who are only "part" of a much bigger problem ("elitists", "Illuminati", etc), then I am going to suggest a simple test for you that will prove (to YOU) otherwise.
All you have to do is comment on ANY mainstream article, ANY related video on YT, or ANY place where a political discussion is in progress and you will find that (bar none) there will be an army of Jews there to attack you and/or censor your comments.
Now I am not talking about using any "hateful" words. Just simply interject a couple of very subtle FACTS. Like "Jews have a monopoly over the media" or "Jews control the Fed". As a matter of fact, you could even phrase it in the form of a question and ASK "don’t the Jews have a monopoly over the media?", "don’t the Jews control the Fed?", or "what is the reason behind this Kosher tax?". Just make simple points or ask questions, then sit back and witness the reaction for yourself.
Not only will there be a virtual army of Jews waiting for such "antisemitic" comments/questions (quite telling in and of itself), but the manner in which they respond will tell you all you need to know about them and what they think of their Gentiles pets/slaves.
They will lash out (in typical Jewish fashion) and suggest that you are a "terrorist", "White trash", a "Nazi", an "antisemitic", "hateful", a "loser", "insane", and a whole list of filth that I will not even type here. The more calm and peaceful you are in stating your case or asking your questions, the more vile and disgusting their attacks will be. They want you to lose your cool and act out in the same manner that the puppets they paraded on all the old talk shows used to act. That makes it easy to turn people away, but if you calmly state the facts they will attack you in hopes of getting you to respond to them emotionally, on their level. Don't-Do-It!
Continued below (in the comments section)


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