The Four Amigos (The Goyim that Talks Funny) (State of our MA State), Part 2, Aug 14, 2022

Published on Aug 15, 2022

Start off with Holocaust hoax song just the song, no video, lots of fun though ...
Beaches being closed by the pee people and shitters
Hitler cats ... KITLER lol
Hitler was a VEGETARIAN because he loved animals - hated their slaughter.
ADL and SPLC on Jim and Joe
Spanish Flu origin/HIV and aids/PCR test
Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood founder.
Betty Boop crazy cartoon
Christian Identity/Two seeds
David Duke and Putin
Christian Identity and genealogy
Eustace Mullins/Ezra Pound connection/ The Federal Reserve
Hoax song Video to get you charged up for Sept 18 Ken Burns PBS video

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