(August 3rd, 2023) Gaming time 卐 Crush the U.S(Jew Ass), My another game play (440 HZ 卐 Crimson Sin)

Published on Aug 8, 2023

(August 3rd, 2023) Gaming time 卐 Crush the U.S(Jew Ass), My another game play (440 HZ 卐 Crimson Sin)

(August 3rd, 2023)
Gaming time 卐 Crush the U.S(Jew Ass), My another game play .
How to treat the freemason/alLIES Communist U.S(Jew Ass)/Russian(Slavic)/Jews/Korean/Chinese Nigger/Vietnam/Myanmar/Laos etc etc .

In this event, Just look at the profile,
Look at the subhuman russian(slavic) soviet freemason sjw gay communist bitches antifa face,
Sniper fight like a bitch even with these huge numbers, That's all they can do,
That's why you only need 60000 battle points to get this sjw antifa gay pedo bitches profile .
(I don't mean all using sniper are fight like a bitch, I also using sniper sometime, But at least i rush with my Katana)

Now just look at the German Aryan face,
The real man true hero face,
Plus German officer, Every Axis Power officer have the real tough stroy great experience who fight against those freemason/alLIES/Communist,
That's why when you see them, You are already know, This is the real man true hero 卐
That's why you need 100000 battle points to get him,
Just like you enter a toy shop, You see a fucking ugly Nigger toy always lower price than a Aryan or Japanese toy price for example .
That's why when you get this Ger"Man" offirer profile,
You will immediately be like:08:32

And last thing, Always remember to use VPN in these kind of game .



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