The relationship between U.S(Jew Ass) {Nigger} Army and asian jews chinese communist

Published on Aug 31, 2023

The relationship between U.S(Jew Ass) {Nigger} Army and asian jews chinese communist .

When you don't even have the balls to crush your own nigger slave that own your food, Technology, And fuck your wife and your kids in front of you,
Plus, While you see your enemy Japan and Germany still rising up and going on to the top,
Then, You know you are already lost not only in world war 3 .

The freemason communist diversity equality system,
"White" Christian semitic, Chinese and U.S(Jew Ass) (Nigger) Army .
The relationship between chinese and Nigger, The subhuman reptile chinese nigger .

America/U.S(Jew Ass) army, After World War 1, After World War 2,
"White" Christian semitic who worship the reptor jews and crown them as the chosen one,
Who fought for the asian jews chinese slavic/Russian jews and nigger future,
This is what you got this day .
Don't even have the balls to crush the nigger .
All you can do now is just trash talk .

And this is how the jews be able to rape your child, This is how the Russian slavic/Nigger/Chinese be able to rape your woman, Right in front of you, Turn you gay ass creature while their woman turn you into a dog .
And this is what your reward to fight for the reptile freemason .

We all know, The relationship between the Niggers and jews, All you can see them in hollywood movies to U.S(Jew Ass) fake news reporter, In U.S(Jew Ass) Army, And in video games,
We all know, The relationship between the Niggers and chinese/Russian/slavic/Communist/Soviet Union:
Just those retarded "white" christian U.S(Jew Ass)/British love these nigger so much long long ago .

Let me tech you something, If you are real man, You long already punch on this nigger face without saying more words,
If you have the balls, You long already 1 vs many like Japan and Germany does to against the huge nummber of enemies .
Not to mention when you see some subhuman who bigger or taller than you .

When you speak louder on the street, Which mean you are full already prepare to sacrifice or kill someone,
If not, You better just shut the fuck up to bring you more safety, Just for temporary .

You American U.S(Jew Ass) always said you are a free country, How free you are?

Can you arrest the subhuman reptile jews and arrest the reptile chinese like we did?
You can't even allow to talk bad to foreigner, Not to mention punch them in their fucking face or execute them straight .
Not to mention you don't even have the balls to kill the niggers or jews or asian jews chinese/korean or any communist,
To let them replace you and eat your food inside your house and fuck your wife and kids while you are feel so proud of it .

Can you speak up the turth loudly on the middle of the road or in the public anywhere any time like we did?
You can't even allow to tell that if you saw the Tall white UFO with Swastika in public, That because they are completely overwhelming to your reptilian "government" remember?
Who allow the jews kidnap and eat your kids and also use the kids meat as in McDonald's franchise to let the public zombies like you to eat the kids?
Who allow Dulce Underground Base tall greys be able to kidnap your people in the list that for the reptilian to eat your own people, Who approve it?

Can you not being banned by your so-called country news for uploading the truth or videos like we did?
You don't even know rockefeller own your media for censoring your voice .

Plus, America/U.S(Jew Ass) not even a country remember?
During the time of cowboy, That day, When the bank founded in front of your house, You long already lost your freedom .

Plus, America/U.S(Jew Ass) is the friend of the reptiles abrahamic-semitic and communist and not even a country remember?
So how freedom you are?


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