Raido by Wardruna

Published on Nov 17, 2020
This is not for children or the fainthearted Judeo-Chistians who have been conditioned through Jewish scripture (The Bible) and a rewritten history to view the pre-Christian Europeans (Aryans) as the Boogeyman personified!

Raido Lyrics

Dark clouds drift within
The longing lures
Pulls my mind
Will you carry me?
I want to go
Fair foal, I bid you
Sacks rich with gold of the fields
Fare swiftly on flying hoofs
Carry me, and I promise you
Ride out
The storm is stilled, the mind it flies
The drum of hoofs lay the beat
The heart, it follows, two are one
Sets me loose with speedy feet
Wild I rode and ran
Fair foal I spent
The ride is for the horse the worse
Pleasant and swift for the sitting
If I ride you
I ride more
As one is two
Where knots are tied
In bonds are bound the whole world
If I bond you I can journey
If you carry me
You carry more
As one is two
Where chains are forged
In bonds are bound
The whole world
If you bond me
You can journey


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