Iran Shouldn't Retaliate Right Now! Sabbatean Death Cult Are Itching For Regime Change!!

Fuck Devil Jews
Published on Dec 13, 2020
He was one of Iran's respected scientists in the nuclear and defense fields, he was just doing his job, something he was employed to do - Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh - who's now been martyred by brutal Ziopig mercenaries.He sacrificed his life on the path of righteous efforts to protect his nation and the lofty status of martyrdom is his divine reward. He truly fought the good fight!
The capital, Tehran - United States had any knowledge - Netanyahau met with Crown prince Mohammed bin Salman in Neom recently. NeomThe entire thing is looking very suspicious. Boris Johnson has lost his moral compass, violations in Yemen... Boris authorised troops whilst Great Britain struggles, debt is pilling up due to the coronavirus pandemic and the Prime Minister decides to deploy troops Iran has now lost two of its most celebrated military and nuclear figures in the last year alone. Sabbatean Frankists, the JCPOA. West Asia. Era uno de los científicos respetados de Irán en los campos nuclear y de defensa, simplemente estaba haciendo su trabajo, algo para lo que fue contratado, el Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, que ahora ha sido martirizado por brutales mercenarios Ziopig. Sacrificó su vida en el camino de los esfuerzos Pakistan rectos para proteger a su nación y el alto estatus del martirio es su recompensa divina. ¡Realmente peleó la buena batalla!Il était l'un des scientifiques iraniens respectés dans les domaines nucléaire et de la défense, il faisait juste son travail, quelque France chose pour lequel il était employé - le Dr Mohsen Fakhrizadeh - qui a maintenant été martyrisé par des mercenaires brutaux de Ziopig. Mike Tyson Il a sacrifié sa vie sur le chemin des efforts justes pour protéger sa nation et le statut élevé de martyre est sa récompense divine. Il a vraiment combattu le bon combat!
#Iran #Israel # SaudiArabia #Trump #BorisJohnson #CoronavirusUK #Ayatollah


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