Adolf Hitler A Last Appeal To Reason (Documentary)
Published on Jun 21, 2024
The first casualty of war is ALWAYS the TRUTH... Here lie the accounts of Adolf Hitler’s pleas to the world during the largest bloodshed in mankind’s history, World War 2. His speech in the Reichstag, Berlin on July 19th, 1940 was broadcast live on 1,000 radio stations in over 30 countries, and printed in numerous newspapers, yet the LIES OF HISTORY still persist today. Adolf Hitler’s most poignant orations during the second World War which had been buried for almost a century are now available for the world to hear, along with English subtitles. He was the most beloved German ruler and the last world leader to stand up to the Jewish Communist New World Order Agenda. If he had won WWII, the entire world would not be fighting against the New World Order still today. Visit the voices of the past to bear witness to the TRUTH side of history. The unabridged Adolf Hitler, who tried incessantly to avoid the continuation of the senseless war. Stark contrast to the Masonic Western Allies and their pet Jewish Communist Bolsheviks in the East. They said Adolf Hitler was a warmonger who wanted to rule the world and subjugate all non-Germanic people. He did not, THEY lied. I say take an impartial look at history and learn the real Adolf Hitler. Make this documentary go viral, the truth must go viral!
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