Jim and Diane Walk and Talk, 4TH, CODOH Priest Article, July 4, 2023

Published on Jul 4, 2023
Clergy Imprisoned in Dachau: A Critical Examination: [dkk: They definitely use the term ‘critical’ loosely, not questioning the ‘eyewitness’ testimony sources as well as ANYTHING that would come from a war crimes trial against the Germans.]

*** Dachau was a reeducation camp for the anti-NS, pro-Communist activist dissidents.
What did these priests do? It wasn't because they were priests. Or there would have been a Reich Roundup of all the priests and then there would have been an outrage by the citizenry. Not to mention, a call from the Vatican concerning the terms of the CONCORDAT!!!
*** This paragraph, "Dachau, was used as a center for medical experimentation on humans involving malaria (and a number of things). I have an issue with the following: "... this has been corroborated by hundreds of documents and by witnesses in the doctors trial at Nuremberg 1946 to 1947."
Since when have we had any credence given to captured documents and results from ANY Nuremberg trial of ANY KIND!
*** In Dachau, it was understood that experimentation use was offered on a voluntary basis for consideration like early release.
*** Much of the quotations concerning prisoner conditions were taken from the book, The Priest's Barracks: 1938 to 1945 by Guillaume Zeller,
which sounds like a Jewish person to me. Nearly all of these books mentioned are suspicious because of their slanted (likely jewish) bent.
*** Another individual, Nauhausler, wrote a book indicating the following: " ... a table that 868 out of 1780 Polish priests and 166 out of 949 Polish clergyman died in DACHAU. However, he did not reference where he obtained the figures in his table. Moreover, as a special prisoner separated from the general camp, he wrote that he could not learn all that happened. His statistics did not originate from his personal experience in Dachau. HE WASN'T THERE
So anything he says is suspect.
*** Then a Jewish historian, Harold Marcuse writes about the survival rate of priests in Dachau.
Since when are Jewish sources used as any credible evidence of anything particularly death rates or statistics involving NS Germany.
*** Another disputable paragraph dealt with: Dachau, 1933 to 1945: The Official History, Paul Berben using the table presented above indicating that more had died because of poor clothes in the winter. Zeller writes that more than 300 of these mostly elderly disabled Polish clergymen were sent to the carbon monoxide gas chamber at Hartheim Castle (Linz) in Austria. (UM, WHAT!!!) Let's take a look at the circumstances surrounding Hartheim Castle near LInz.
*** The expansion of the city, (Linz) which continued in leaps and bounds from 1938 (Eblelsberg and St. Magdalena become separate parishes) occurred in connection with Adolf Hitler’s intention of making Linz an industrial, administrative and cultural centre. This results in the recruitment of thousands of forced labourers and the construction of three concentration camps.
*** The Red Army occupied only parts of Austria, including the capital, while the Anglo-American troops entered from Germany and Italy. Thereafter, France, Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union divided Austria into four occupation zones, much like they did in Germany. The Soviets were heading for Linz.

Totally bogus. Why in the world would John Wear even give these posers any kind of credence like torture in this castle that likely was in Soviet control - I mean, THEY specialize in this and blaming the Germans!

THE following IS THE MOST EGREGIOUS ASSAULT AGAINST THE TRUTH: *** He continues with Berben also wrote that 304 members of the Polish clergy were exterminated in various ways including liquidated inside the camp in the showers or in the bunker. Berben did not explain how Polish priests could have been exterminated in the showers at Dachau. Historians and former Dachau inmates generally agree that there were no functioning gas chambers inside Dachau. Berben, in his own book, even stated that the Dachau gas chamber was never operated.
More bogus nonsense

*** The Allies tended to mistreat the clergy after the war but not much is mentioned about that.
*** Martin Niemoller a Lutheran clergy was cited discussing the poor treatment of the German population. But also the good treatment he received while in Dachau but he is supposed to be some kind of martyr!!! I thought he was executed - according to his book, but maybe that was wishful thinking posthumously. Or the Allies killed him.

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