Magick in Theory and Practice - Thelema (*info in description)

Published on Jul 21, 2020
I know Aleister Crowley gets a bad rap but from a purely objective perspective the man was a brilliant thinker. Here are some of his quotes:
“Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will.”
“The whole and sole object of all true Magical and Mystical training is to be free from every kind of limitation.”
“Act passionately; think rationally; be Thyself.”
“To train the mind to move with the maximum speed and energy, with the utmost possible accuracy in the chosen direction, and with the minimum of disturbances or friction. That is Magick(*masculine). To stop the mind altogether. That is Yoga(*feminine).”
“We are not to calculate, to argue, to criticize; these things lead to division of will and to stagnation. They are shackles of our Going. They hamstring our Pegasus. We are to rise up – to Go – to Love.” – The Master Therion

* My association conventions: correspondences

#Occult #Thelema #AleisterCrowley

The purpose of Ceremonial/Ritual Magick is to use Theurgy and other means of meditation and symbolism to reach the God-Head or Henosis. This practice should be met with respect and discipline and not seen as a means to "get materialistic gain" or "feed your ego or desires". Ultimately the results you get will be based upon how much devotion you have to committing this material to memory and how much effort you put in.

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