Just Be Honest by Larken Rose

Published on Jun 9, 2022
Repost from June 7th, 2022. - Just Be Honest by Larken Rose ... a frank discussion about what you personally want done to other people who do things you don't want them to do / don't do things you do want them to do.
My Tidbit: There are many that are Statists and they are among us. These individuals worship figures of authority and the dictates of Government and Politics. Policy is the the police and the police services in now a police force. The terms matter - I've noticed the police has become militarized and under control of the state since 9/11.
You can recognize a Statist when they mention the phrase "There aught to be a law against that".
Most Nations have been usurped, their governments have been corrupted and occupied. A group from the shadows plays with world affairs and the truth is solely their opinion. They war against God, man and our very Souls using proxies to divide and conquer.
No one elected these (Oligarchs/Elites/Technocrats who are all Corruptocrats to run the show.)
These same Usual Suspects, I believe are behind this planned culling or Jab genocide. The nerve of these fucks to mention that it has been a very profitable year just makes my blood boil. Fauci, Bourla, Gates all of the Jewish persuasion ,,, right?
Logos is rising - the awakening cannot be contained - it is like life, it finds a way..


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