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PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library databases were searched up to 16 September 2021. Prospective cohort studies that examined the effect of soy, soy isoflavones and soy protein on cancer incidence and cancer mortality were identified. Random-effects models were used to pool the multivariable-adjusted relative risks (RRs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The potential dose-response relations were explored by using generalized least-squares trend estimation.
Although isoflavones, such as those found in soy, have been shown to inhibit breast cancer in laboratory studies, associations between consumption of isoflavone-containing foods and breast cancer risk have been inconsistent in epidemiologic studies. We evaluated the relationship between isoflavone consumption and breast cancer risk among women in the Japan Public Health Center-Based Prospective Study on Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases (JPHC Study). Methods: In January 1990, 21 852 Japanese female residents (aged 40–59 years) from four public health center areas completed a self-administered questionnaire, which included items about the frequency of soy consumption. Through December 1999 and 209 354 person-years of follow-up, 179 women were diagnosed with breast cancer. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to estimate the relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for breast cancer in relation to consumption of miso soup, soyfoods, and estimated isoflavones.
Canada Muslim child brides in Canada are on the rise:
Federal immigration officials say there’s little they can do to stop “child brides” from being sponsored into Canada by much older husbands who wed them in arranged marriages abroad.
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5 Ways to Get Teenagers Practicing Yoga
by Abby WillsJune 15, 2012 5:40 PM
These suggestions come from my experience teaching yoga to teens in schools. The ideas can also be applied to yoga studio or community center settings, as well as other subjects. A funny thing about many teenagers is that they yearn so deeply to be in charge, yet they often rebel against the responsibilities they do have. At the end of the day, teens really want to feel the security of being well cared for.

1. Know When to Treat Teens like Adults
At the beginning of a school semester in yoga class, I like to give my teen students lots of important responsibilities; including taking roll call, setting up the room for yoga and holding each other accountable for appropriate behavior. I've learned the hard way that if I start a new class session "managing" every little thing, I will likely have to continue throughout the school year. If I hand over tasks, like opening windows for fresh air and stacking yoga mats neatly, I not only have more time to interact one on one with students, my students feel a sense of empowerment.
When a teen student comes to me with problem, I usually respond, "What do you think we should do about that?"
Giving responsibility early on is key because teens usually bring their most helpful behavior to class in the beginning. The first few days of school are generally the quietest, and then...

2. Know When to Treat Teens like Pre-schoolers
A few weeks into a semester, things change. Teens are more comfortable in the environment. They know what to expect. They start pushing boundaries to see how far they can go. Yes, if we let them, they will sit and talk to each other for the entire class period! One day in class many years ago, I felt as though my wonderfully responsible, mature teen class had been replaced by a bunch of pre-schoolers in giant bodies. Mind you, I LOVE pre-schoolers.

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