Ernst Zundel - Ernst Zundel Interviewed by Peter Peters (Truth for the Times) - Schindler's List

Published on Jul 12, 2020
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!!..Truth does NOT fear investigation..!!
This is an old "VHS" video-cassette copy from one of a series of cable TV programs (made in the mid 1990s) that were done by Pastor Peter John Peters. In this particular program, Pastor Peters interviews Ernst Zundel not only about the fallacy of the movie "Schindler's List"., but also discusses (in depth) many of the famous "Holocaust" photos and false claims that we've ALL been taught since our childhood..!!
And just as an "FYI" to those who may not already know., but the book "Schindler's List"., from which the movie was made., was originally listed in the Library of Congress in the "Fiction" section., and then was "conveniently" re- classified as non-fiction AFTER Spielberg made the movie.!!
Actually., I thought it was a relatively well-known fact.! But for the benefit of those "seekers of Truth" here who don't know the details (which can be found with a bit of research)., here's just one "documented" example that can found below:
In the spring of 1994, before and after the Spielberg movie Schindler's List won the Academy Award for best picture of the year, essayist and playwright Bradley Smith bought the first (1st), second (2nd) and third (3rd) edition of Thomas Keneally's novel.
He soon noticed the strange disappearing act with regard to the word "fiction" among the usual publication data on the back side of the title page. Whereas the words "fiction" and "fictitiously" appeared five (5) times in the first edition, and the word "fiction" appeared three (3) times in the second edition, both words had been EXCLUDED from the publication data in the third (3rd) edition..!!
Smith noted these omissions in his Summer 1994 issue of his "Campus Update for Editors" During this same period, the literary supplement ("Focus") in weekend editions of the "Toronto Globe and Mail" began listing the Keneally novel in the nonfiction section of bestsellers.
"TOUCHSTONE" Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York, 10020
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.
Copyright ©1982 by Hemisphere Publishers Limited Cover art copyright ©1993 by MCA Publishing Rights, a Division of MCA, Inc. All rights reserved.
All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part of any form. This Touchstone Edition © 1993.
TOUCHSTONE and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster Inc. Designed by Eve Metz Manufactured in the United States of America.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataKeneally, Thomas. Schindler's List. 1. Schindler, Oskar,. 1908-1974 - fiction. 2. Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) - fiction. 3. World war, 1939-1945 - fiction.
I. Title. PR96l9.3.K46S3 1982 823 82-10489 ISBN: 0-671-44977-X 0-671-77972-9 0-671-88031-4
The author extends his grateful appreciation for photographs supplied through the courtesy of Yad Vashem Photographic Service and Leopold Page (Leopold Pfefferberg) ""

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