The Giffords "Shooting" FAKE - Her SECRET Life - Anniversary Special II

Published on May 18, 2020
Evidence is presented here, that Gabrielle Giffords sustained no injury at all in the supposed Tucson "shooting." Then we take a look at REAL shooting and head injury victims... and see how her acting compares. Important material, since the future and freedom of your nation has been jeopardized through such treachery.
The government run media did very little investigation into the real background of Giffords - nor did any seriously investigate the veracity of her "bullet wound" story. Falsified information propagated unchecked through the corrupt media echo chamber. The intention was to deceive; and nearly everyone was deceived.
Who and what Gabrielle Giffords really is, finally being revealed. Watch the complete Giffords series to see the shocking conclusion.
More Resources,
Gabrielle Giffords, Tuscon shooting, Wade M Page, Loughner, Jared Loughner, Karl Pierson, Arapahoe, Sikh, Sikh Temple, Arapahoe school, SWAT, second amendment, lockdown, crisis actors, staged, school shooting, Homeland Security, victims, DHS, Stockton, Stockton School Shooting, FSU, Brinsley, NY, Hoax, Fort Hood, Myron May, Ottawa Fake, Nathan Cirillo, Patrick Purdy, California gun laws, Sandy Hook, AK-47, witnesses, eyewitness, shotgun, 911, false flag, drill, Navy Yard Shooting, staged, gun control, AR-15, Active shooter, Tracy Murphy, Claire Davis, handgun, shotgun, Barack Obama, white house, Giffords, Safeway shooting, navy, Alexis, Mary Knight, attack, bombing, false flag, EMC, John Kerry, government, Marysville, Pilchuck, police, death records, charity, public relations, PR, government sponsored, operation gladio, sandy hook, batman massacre, investigation, controlled explosion, terror, reality check, fear, staged terror attacks, media hoaxes, constitution, privacy, bill of rights, Jared Lee Loughner, oligarchs, media, media coverage, programming, psyop, patcon, history, NWO, MKULTRA, Northwoods, Barack Obama, Alex Jones, Truth, alternative media, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, stooge, patsy, shadow government, nwo, oligarchy, elitists, FBI, DHS, FEMA, SWAT, ALS, ISIS, ISIL, emergency, boston marathon, injuries, Tucson, police, fake injuries, killed, false flag, false flag attack, Sydney Corcoran, staged attack, moulage, deception, boston marathon, marathon, boston police, news, internet, shocking

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