Published on Sep 7, 2021
Could Vaccine be the “Mark of the Beast”; as we are talking a hair strand apart from Passport Digital ID to Toxic 666 Graphene Oxide Jab?
This is what graphene oxide looks like on a molecular level. It is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a two dimension a honeycomb lattice. Each honeycomb consists of 6 carbon atoms forming a hexagon (66 sided polygon). Carbon is the number 6 on the periodic table because it has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. Now what is the probability of this being true?
Revelations 13:18 states that if anyone is wise and has understanding to count the number of the beast, which is also the number of a man (imitation of the son of man Jesus Christ) and the number comes to 666.
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🚨 Watch this video: Graphene Oxide 666 Connection; The Untold Story by Russ Brown Reports (Please share): https://odysee.com/@SixthSense-Truth-Search-Labs:0/rs2:e?r=CinSBtAF6mdxf7rDd5m7H9cbQWGeU2Pj
🚨Could Vaccine be the “Mark of the Beast”; as we are talking a hair strand apart from Passport Digital ID to Toxic 666 Graphene Oxide Jab? https://odysee.com/@SkyDomeAtlantis:4/trim.4A00F4BE-6BBC-4EDF-B4AC-A3D7A2368E6F:d?r=CinSBtAF6mdxf7rDd5m7H9cbQWGeU2Pj
🚨 COVID Vaccine IS the Mark of the Beast. Let me show why, how and what it means. https://beastwatchnews.com/covid-vaccine-is-the-mark-of-the-beast-let-me-show-why-how-and-what-it-means
🚨DARPA Hydrogel and Graphene Oxide found in Vaccines; 5G ZombieApocalypse Connection.
🚨 Video for the Vaccine Hesitant: https://odysee.com/@SkyDomeAtlantis:4/trim.09A5F5DD-9500-4B8D-A605-A59A83B6DDF1:9?r=CinSBtAF6mdxf7rDd5m7H9cbQWGeU2Pj
🚨 Patents Graphene Oxide in Vaccines:

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