[Not so complex] - The Complex History Between Black and Jewish Americans

Published on Mar 28, 2021
The history of the relationship between the Black and Jewish communities in the U.S. is complex, with ups and downs that often mirror America’s own turbulent and troubled legacy of slavery and discrimination. What are the historical roots behind the cooperation and the conflict today? We explore the history of Black-Jewish relations to uncover the good and the bad, the things the communities have in common, and what inspires a vision for a brighter future.

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Watch next — MLK's Jewish Connection

Recommended series — “Big Jewish Ideas”

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Image and Footage Credits:
- ABC News
- American Jewish Historical Society
- American Jewish Historical Society – New England Archives
- AP
- Arthur Waskow
- Bettmann Archive/Getty Images/Coribs
- Bundesarchiv Bild
- CBS New York
- Center for Jewish History, NYC
- Eliel Joseph Schafler
- Evan Nesterak
- FBI/State of Mississippi Attorney General's Office
- Fuseboxradio
- Hudson County View
- Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington
- John Lewis’ Office
- Konkordia Wiki
- Library of Congress
- Luke Atkinson/The Daily
- National Council of Jewish Women
- National Library of Israel
- New York Daily News Archive
- NYC Mayor’s Office
- Ontario Jewish Archives
- Peter Pettus.Library of Congress
- Rick Holmes
- Texas Jewish Historical Society
- The Kenan Research Center At The Atlanta History Center
- The Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
- Twitter - @KishaBari
- US National Archives
- VICE News Tonight/HBO
- William Breman Jewish Heritage & Holocaust Museum, Ida Pearle and Joseph Cuba Community Archives and Genealogy Center


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