A must see video Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon

Published on Jun 13, 2022
A must see video this will shock you Is Catholicism pagan? or biblical This episode traces the ancient religion of Babylon from its origins to the very time in which we live. See evidence that this ancient religion is alive and well in religious systems of our day, dressed in a garb to suitably camouflage it from the eyes of the casual observer. Could the most powerful church in the world be pagan at its heart? Learn about mother-child worship in ancient cultures, the use of sun worship symbols in Catholicism, and occult influences in cathedrals like St. John's Lateran. Discover the occult language of ancient sun worship in the heart of Catholicism.

Click here to download the Study Guide for this lecture: http://pdf.amazingdiscoveries.org/Study_Guides/TO/TO219-The_Wine_of_Babylon.pdf

We must study prophecy [1:28]
Wine of Babylon [1:52]
Tower of Babel [3:26]
Babylon is fallen [4:36]
Spiritual Babylon [5:29]
Unclean Spirit of Babylon - False Prophet [7:01]
Components of Babylon [8:59]
Christianity adopted Paganism [9:32]
Ancient Paganism brought into Christianity [10:56]
Ancient gods (Chaldeans) [12:12]
Gods and their ancient origins [13:58]
Ancient Israel Paganism [15:33]
Origin of religion [16:43]
How deities were worshiped [18:47]
Pagan symbols compared to Catholicism [22:18]
Paganism in Catholicism [26:33]
Pan in Catholicism and Yannois [28:15]
St. John lantern + St Petersburg, Vatican [29:28]
Doors of Paganism and the rocks, frogs, papal door [32:10]
The papal keys/pinecones [34:34]
Carrying high priest in Paganism vs Catholicism [35:47]
Triple crown Paganism vs Catholicism [36:50]
Mother and child worship Paganism vs Catholicism [38:11]
Pagan sun symbols in cathedrals [41:08]
Queen Mary [41:48]
Portrayal of Mary ; Queen of heaven [42:58]
Old Israel and spiritual israel both duked [48:58]
IHS [49:33]
Pagan symbols in cathedrals [51:54]
Mary in cave, goddess of the grove [54:26]
Goddess coming out of cave in Chinese Pagan religion [56:47]
Goddess standing on serpent head, Mary standing on serpent head [57:53]
Mary becomes savior [59:07]
Walter Veith tells story of Mary in Syria [1:00:06]
Paganism in Catholicism [1:01:50]
The holy stairs [1:04:01]
Mass [1:05:24]
Eating of bread: Pagan, half moon and circle placed inside of it [1:07:29]
Mithraism, sun moon and stars [1:13:11]
Sun worship [1:17:50]
Halos [1:21:13]
Cross/Anhk [1:22:08]
Mary lightning [1:22:52]
Pagan statues in Catholicism, hand symbols [1:23:13]
Ying yang symbol in Roman Catholic cathedral [1:24:14]
The trident [1:26:16]
Fleur du lei [1:27:04]
Beads/rosary [1:27:44]
Eye of Osiris [1:28:54]
Shell symbol [1:30:21]
The globe [1:31:46]
Heart worship [1:32:31]
Astrology in the Roman Catholic Church [1:32:41]
Pinecone in Catholicism [1:34:16]
Pagan feasts in Christianity [1:36:26]
Dragon worship [1:45:06]
Solar wheels [1:47:15]

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