My White TV -- NINE-ELEVEN 20th Year Without Justice
Published on Aug 19, 2021
It took me 4 times trying to upload this video over two days on Bitchute. Typical.
And THEN I have to use that URL to link the video into GoyimTV.
Maybe I should quit this struggle with bitchute. But that's what they would like me to do, isn't it?
* Of course, my videos are always available on my own website, along with such treasures as the CREDENTIALS page.
* And most of my videos are on WorldTruthVideos.
NOTE: WorldTruthVideos recently had to change its domain to ".website" and GoyimTV can not yet successfully link to it.
So, again, my videos are on my own website and WorldTruthVideos.
9/11. Simple.
Basic, verifiable facts. Not opinion. Not belief.
The infamous events of Sept. 11, 2001, were one monstrous crime.
Join me for video clips and the most basic facts that lead to solid, undeniable conclusions. What. Who. Why.
* Also, on the day of recording this show, it is August 18th, which is the great White MERIWETHER LEWIS’s birthday. There certainly is reason to remember Meriwether Lewis and celebrate his birthday.
* And here is a supplemental report related to famous Youtube (jewtube) car mechanic Scotty Kilmer. In my previous video, I forgot to make my intended Main Point related to what Scotty had said!
MyWhiteTV is your White tv. The only White tv.
â£Tags: 2001, 20th anniversary, 9-11, 9/11, 911, August 18, crime, happy birthday, jew-crime, jews are not Whites, Meriwether Lewis, mywhitespecial, mywhitetv, Scotty Kilmer, September 11, WHO WHAT WHY
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