Dr. Peter McCullough Warning on Therapeutic Nihilism and Untested Vaccines - LATEST DATA!
Published on Oct 14, 2021
m: https://www.bitchute.com/video/P1v8nV3Adnwv/
The Jabs ARE NOT SAFE NOR ARE THEY EFFECTIVE! Dr. McCullough presents the latest "real data" on the alleged pandemic and the outrageous death and destruction of lives the failed jabs being forced on everyone are causing. The information he shares here is a wake-up call to Americans. Over 15,000 are now dead from the COVID vaccine, 25,000 are permanently disabled. Why does the CDC and FDA continue to promote these dangerous vaccines? This is an important presentation from a very respected and knowledgeable expert in his field.
Please check out our HUGE "INDEXED" LIBRARY ON THE CRIMINAL COVID-19 HOAX. It's an enormous free resource where you can find out the truth about everything related to COVID-19: Find out the truth about the fraudulent testing procedure, fake case and death numbers, who Dr. Fauci really is, who Bill Gates really is, the truth about the vaccine industry and the dangers of their products and much much more. There's nothing like this resource anywhere on the internet! SHARE IT WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY!
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