The JEWISH police take sides to SELECTIVELY enforce laws, "aggravated assault" people are allowed to assault anyone who is a self proclaimed racist and proud of it, but if you're a JEW female, you can just go attack people for wearing a scarf
Published on Jul 22, 2024
If YOU DARE defend yourself against these communists they'll lock you up, put REDICULOUS bond of 80000 dollars then call you a terrorist for simple saying "no, i wont just let this nigger spic attack me cuz he dont like wtf im saying or thinking....
Act accordingly.
People might as well start attacking FIRST and with as much weaponry as you have because taking the legal route will get you locked up for terrorism ANYWAY... hence go to jail for defending yourself as "terrorism" DONT LET THEM LIE ABOUT YOU.
Then on the news will lie give interviews to all that hate you, and communify the whole terrorist narrative.
Like sports ball picking teams whether its a foul or not doesn't matter, it's only important if they hold it against YOUR TEAM..
If your yeam fouls and get away with it... good
If their team fouls and gets away with it...BAD