Dallasgoldbug's Actor Based Reality

Published on Jul 17, 2020
The Actor Based Reality
Since I have an imposter running around on YouTube and other websites attempting to cause confusion and damage to my work, I wanted to take a few moments to go over some aspects of my work that the opposition seems to think that they can just slide on by and you won’t notice. You can see the common attack that they use, the information that is not backed up by any fact, the mud throwing, the name-calling, the childish ways that they think that you’ll fall for what they’re saying without doing the research yourself and looking at the work that they are not linking to but still calling Bullshit. So some of the things that they say like, “I’m part of the opposition”, or I’m part of the families that are scamming humanity and causing problems since day one of this country and they back further than that.” The logic they fail to offer you and rightly so because there is no logic behind it, they fail to explain the fact that I’m the one that brought attention to these actors, and their hoax events as far back as the Gabrielle Giffords’ hoax shooting.
For more info https://www.wellaware1.com/the-actor-based-reality-wtranscription/

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