New Normal: Pandemic Police State

Published on May 19, 2020
All of the politicians and medical "experts" seem to be reading from the exact same script: "This is the new normal, and it won't end until we have a vaccine."

Something profoundly sinister is unfolding across the entire planet, using the pandemic as justification for its fruition.

We are being told that we must accept a "new normal" that includes drastic restrictions of our civil liberties. We are being told that we must accept this state of affairs indefinitely, until a vaccine is developed. Now they are even saying that naturally developed immunity to the virus is insufficient.

Our consciousness and material reality are being altered, reconfigured via a matrix of fear and confusion.

The entire world has been mind controlled by flashing images on glowing screens to not only self-police themselves into maintaining an arbitrary distance from other human beings, but to accept autonomous supervision networks that enforce this "new normal".



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