The White Genocide its Real - Zsolt Bayer

Published on May 6, 2024
Zsolt Bayer, Hungarian author, journalist, publicist, is one of the founders of Fidesz, the current ruling political party of Hungary of which Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is the leader and founder. Fidesz was founded as a youthful underground anti-communist movement in the 1980s, and has grown into a well-respected and powerful conservative political force that hold unparalleled support in Hungary.
Zsolt Bayer and Viktor Orbán have been close friends for 30 years, and in mid-September 2015, a liberal left-wing George Soros-funded magazine 'Magyar Narancs,' unveiled a tasteless and ignorant cover with Viktor Orbán wearing a Hitler mustache made out of barbed wire.
Zsolt Bayer, coming to the defense of his friend, organized a rally attended by 2000 people before the offices of Magyar Narancs

Jus Sanguinis

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