Sigmund Freud NetflixIs Evil

Published on Oct 31, 2021
Propaganda: (((Netflix))), Sigmund Freud, and Edward (PR) Bernays -

"Netflix and chill has become a major pastime for millions of people around the world. In addition to cheering on their favourite sports team engaged in mock tribal battles, watching endless Netflix series and films is a primary way the Jewish programmers condition people to switch off from reality."

Yet we have to understand that sport and entertainment is just the 21st century instalment of bread and circuses, designed to distract we the people from the fact that we are increasingly living in a global Jewish system, which is becoming more overt by the day. You have no rights, but you can sit and watch football or Netflix all night, so don’t grab your metaphorical pitchfork.

Watching a little sport and entertainment is ok in my opinion – I like the UFC, football (or soccer), and series such as The Last Kingdom for instance. But too much entertainment is destructive, and you have to understand what entertainment is: namely, entertainment! It’s not reality.

Netflix and Bernays the Jew.

Furthermore, with Netflix taking over the world, it is important to note the strange connection the Jew co-founder of the company has to one of the greatest psychological manipulators of the 20th century. The co-founder and founding CEO of Netflix is (((Marc Randolph))), or to give him his full name, Marc Bernays Randolph. And it is this middle name that is of note.

(((Marc Bernays Randolph))) is none other than the great nephew of (((Edward Bernays))), the Jew who coined the term Public Relations (PR) and who himself was the nephew of the infamous Jewish psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud. Bernays will be familiar to many of you, as the famed marketer has written or edited numerous blunt books about the influence marketers and social engineers have on the public consciousness.

In the opening passage to his 1928 book, Propaganda, for instance, a book that describes how the masses subconscious desires can be used to manipulate them, Bernays bluntly outlines the invisible hand of manipulation in society:"

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”

You need to set aside a few hours and absorb what the producer of "Europa the last battle" is telling you.
We have been lied to!

Wake up “Goyim”

Trumps txt recommending "Europa The Last Battle" was removed by Twitter, google and Youtube!;
What are they trying to hide? #Europathelastbattle

We have been lied too...
Democracy is "SLOW KILL" ... Back door "COMMUNISM" the psychological weapon of choice for the Covid well poisoners, money changers = the "JEWISH CENTRAL BANKER CRIME FAMMILIES"


Europa: The Last Battle:

3 Minute Preview - Europa: The Last Battle:

Compilation of White Genocide Quotes:

Wondering What The "Great Reset" Is REALLY All About?:

'Europa: The Last Battle' Review #1:

'Europa: The Last Battle' Review #2:

Hellstorm - The Ruthless Slaughter of The Germans:

In The Name of Zion:

The Upward Path:

The True Origin and Meaning of The Swastika (For Those Who Can Handle It):


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