Lars Vilks attacked again at a lecture (February 2012)

Published on Sep 18, 2022
Lars Vilks, the Swedish artist, controversial in certain circles because of his drawing of Mohammed as a roundabout dog, underwent yet another Muslim attack at a lecture at Uppsala University.

On 21 February Vilks held a lecture on freedom of speech in art.

It was the Islamic Culture Society and Karlstad's Young Muslims that on beforehand had objected to this lecture.

When Vilks showed a picture that was controversial for some of these persons in the audience, this group of them raised and started to scan "Allah akbar" and threw eggs and snowballs at Vilks.

The police acted in a very lenient way, which you can see in the video clip (link below).
The control of the audience before the lecture was lax, no search of the attendants, according to an eye-witness.

No policemen were even standing at the entrance door.

Afterwards the public relations officer from Varmland's police force stated:

"We have identified all the persons, but have not yet made up our minds if the event will lead to a report".

Another eye-witness: "It was very alarming to see the police that gawky not doing anything with these assailants that assaulted Vilks".

After the lecture the Muslims stood completely indifferent.

The racist card did its job.

One of the Muslims shouted "you take us because you are a racist" and then the policeman ignored it all".

As late as January three men of Somali descent, that had planned to kill Vilks, were acquitted. In the light of this, shouldn't the police be somewhat more attentive?

Swedish media were very careful never to reveal that it was Muslims that interrupted the Uppsala lecture.

The official video clip had been pixled to conceal the descent of the perpetrators.

Vilks himself wrote about it on his blog (here, in Swedish, though) and an egg that wasn't crashed was turned into Mohammed.

Links related to the video:

Blogg about Sweden in English:

Lars vilks's blogg:

Video from lecture:


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