The Weapon Is The Spike Protein - David Martin Phd Cites The Bullet In The Jab
Published on May 15, 2022
The Fauci dosier:
The victims now include Innocent children.
We have been HAD…says Dr David Martin. The propaganda of COVID ‘has lured us in to a trance’ to be preoccupied with the producers of the jab. This is not the real Story and not the real battle according to Dr David Martin.
The War is against the shield of immunity. Victory can only be had when we make it so that no one ‘can make a toxic product, to inject any human, for any reason, at any time… period!’
Dr Martin has advised the top echelon of the U.S intelligence community. He is also a top patents researcher. Here he links the smoking gun of ‘mRNA vaccines’ to those that hold the trigger of this new weapon against humanity. The chief trigger fingers are named here AND the companies behind the jab makers who supplied the money.
He is the author of the Fauci dosier. Dr Martin names Anthony Fauci who has never operated as a practicing medical doctor in his life, as the ‘Murderer in Chief’.
Dr David Martin came up with a system whereby startup companies across the world, could get collateral from the kernel of their patented idea. He is the Inventor of the laser treatment to treat inoperable tumors. He has been declared a National Treasure in the U.S.
He goes onto explain the real battle is the illegality of the 1986 The National Childhood Vaccine injury Act – which put aside any liability that vaccine makers had to pay out any vaccine injuries claims. In other words they take no responsibility.
The means of redirecting that responsibility back to the makers – which exists in normal manufacturing law against products deemed unsafe has been missing ….until now!
He unfolds the explosive evidence of the crime, the prosecution of which is the battle that humanity should be fighting. Dr Martin says that evidence is ‘self evident and ‘prima facie’ by their own admission. It just need us - we the people, to present them to law authorities.
PLEASE TAKE THE ‘FAUCI DOSIER’ AND KEEP SENDING IT TO THE ATTORNEY GENERALS IN YOUR COUNTRY. If they do not respond with action, they are as Dr Martin suggests, complicit in the crime. You will find it below.
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