Joe Biden Refuses to Apologize for Provocatively TOUCHING a Women on LIVE TV! COPY & SHARE!

Published on Sep 1, 2022
Joe Biden Refuses to Apologize for Provocatively TOUCHING a Women on LIVE TV! COPY & SHARE!
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I need some help sharing this breadcrumb plz, check it out, its legit. i'm being censored BIG TIME. Need to pass the info! Pass The BREADCRUMBS DOWN THE CHAIN! #QAnon #QARMY
Please Watch In Order For Full Status Update, Thank Que Patriots!
1. The Reptilian Truth & Satanic Rulers:
2 . The Abduction of Noble Dragon Children
3. Ben Carson Discloses Hillary Clintons Ties to Saul Alinsky, Lucifer & The Illuminati:
4. Enter The Pizza Gate - Verified Proof:
5.Dragon Children Genocide & SRA
6. We Learn The Plan Of The Illuminati & Cabal:
7. The Lie NASA Told - The Imminent Demise of the NWO, Cabal, Illuminati:
8. Did You Know Antifa Is Funded By George Soros?
Do You Know What The Socialist Party Really Is?
Brief Overview: Nazi stems from "National Socialism". Nazi = NAtionalosoZIalistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or National Socialist German Workers Party. This Includes The Thule Society & Illuminati that are involved with the american insurgency of today! To Learn More From Myron Fagan on American Insurgency:
9. Evidence of a PARALLEL UNIVERSE:
10. Forces Occultes-The mysteries of Freemasonry:
11. Earth: A Story of Monolithic Trees & Suppressed History:
12. Earth: A Story of Monolithic Trees & Suppressed History:
13. Thunder Energies Discovers Invisible Entities
Please Feel Free to discuss the topic with me, or if you have questions leave a message and I will do my best to answer!
DISCLAIMER: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal."
For Educational Purposes only!!
I am not putting this out as to make any money off this information. I am putting this out to educate others of the atrocities of the past, because we live in a time where history is not being taught in schools, and schools are filling the heads of hundreds of thousands of young children, and young adults with revisionist history, instead of real history. If this continues we are set to have history repeat its self and all of the death that follows. Thank you for your time.
This is a wake up call!!!
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