1 MINUTE VIDEO Trump says "I am THE FATHER of the Vaccine and Pausing J&J Vaccine was Stupid"
Published on Jun 12, 2021
George Orwell's book 1984 spoke of DOUBLE-SPEAK.
Trump was against vaccines at first and saying HQC would heal you, and then he flip-flops and recommends EVERYONE get the genocidal Vaccine. Not only does he recommend it, but he self-admittedly claims that he's the Father of the vaccine and pushed the FDA to get it out as quickly as possible.
I highly recommend you go back through my channel and watch the DONALD TRUMP "PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING" videos. Trump was ALWAYS part of the Elitefr's plan. He was hand-picked many decades ago to become President. Even "Q" and the "SAVING OF CHILDREN FROM PEDOS" was part of the Predictive Programming (see the Donnie Darko and S. Darko movies). Start watching my other videos on all this in link below
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Jedidiah -
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