Femen EXPOSED: Zionist Tools Funded by George Soros

Published on Oct 17, 2021
The prostitutes turned topless protesters of Femen exposed as George Soros' tools and agentes provocatrices serving the Zionist agenda:

Femen apparently showed up at a conference of Marine Le Pen and though they may be much less active and talked about in the media today, their modus operandi is still very relevant particularly with the rise of groups like Britain First, Black Lives Matter, Women's March, etc.

Femen have targeted churches, mosques, Christian and Muslim events in Europe and elsewhere, but strangely they did not attack Jews and their places of worship. Maybe the reason is to be found in the source of funding Femen receive(d). Jewish journalist Jonathan Moadab chooses to confront them about it.

Femen rarely make headlines now. The reason I made this video about them is because some of the clips will be needed in the videos to come. Thanks for watching. And please remember to comment responsibly.

~Verdant Servant

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