Politican Marty's Mom Died From The Vax : Dr Said It Was Like Being Strangled!
Published on Jan 25, 2023
“The medical examiners did not want to do an autopsy, they wanted to write COVID on it. We said ‘No’. When we find the death certificate and it says on here ‘Adult failure to thrive, cardiac failure’. Well, I have an autopsy right here that says there was no cardiac failure. It says there was no heart attack. There was no stroke. There was no aneurysm. We then sent the brain tissues out to a neuro specialist. Here are the final autopsy results: She had a massive and rapid liver failure. I asked the doctor “what was it like in her final moments when she went out?â€. When she died she had a shortness of breath, which felt like she was being choked and someone had their hand wrapped around their neck. Here is the VAERS report that the pathologist sent to the FDA last week: The pathologist STATES that it was an adverse reaction to the vaccine. It was the Moderna vaccine. My mom tested negative for covid on January 31. She received the COVID vaccine on February 16. I had dinner with her that night. we had onion rings, we had a margarita, she was fine. She dropped dead the next day. These are the facts. Knowledge is power. make up your own mind.â€
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