Vaxxed II - The Peoples Truth - Full 2019 Documentary * PLEASE SHARE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE *

Published on Dec 5, 2020
When the first movie, ‘Vaxxed‘, was released in 2016, it brought the awareness to the public of the lies being told about the safety of vaccinations. Vaxxed was premiered in theaters around the United States. Those who were in, and involved with the movie’s production, set out across America in a large bus to tour with the movie and offer a question and answer panel once it ended.
What the production team did not expect was the overwhelming response by families who had traveled great distances to come meet them and to share their personal testimonials on film of what had happened to their children after vaccinations. Vaxxed II is the compilation of these powerful interviews offering further public knowledge
and awareness of the truth, and frequency, behind the dangers of vaccinations.
Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth, is scheduled to be released in the fall of 2019. For more information on the Vaxxed II film, go to
To become informed we must continue to educate ourselves. Many times this education must be done on our own, as we’re not sure where studies come from or who has a vested financial interest in the results of that study. For this reason I have created a full page and listed multiple studies on the toxins found in vaccinations. This includes their health dangers, and some alternative choices, such as information on exemptions.
What many physicians are not taught in school is that the number of people who died from the measles between 1900 and 1960 dropped by 97.7%. The death toll in the U.S. went from 133 per million to 0.3 per million by 1960. However, before vaccines for diphtheria and pertussis were ever introduced, they too declined by over 90%.
The greatest factors in better health have come from better nutrition, higher quality transportation of fresh fruits and vegetables, adequate refrigeration, and proper sanitation, such as trash removal and the installation of sewage systems. It is not due to vaccines. The World Health Organization (WHO) states, “The best vaccine against common infectious diseases is an adequate diet,” even though they continue to promote vaccinations.
Only four vaccines were routinely given 54 years ago; they were for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and smallpox. At that time, autism was unknown. When first discovered in 1943, less than 1 in 10,000 children were affected by these developmental disorders. Today, more children are being diagnosed with autism, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Their new numbers now show that autism affects one in 59 children, an increase from previously reported one in 68 children.

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