On Monday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad repeated his call for the destruction of Israel. H
Published on Oct 12, 2021
(3 Jun 2008) HEADLINE: Ahmadinejad: Israel will disappear
CAPTION: On Monday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad repeated his call for the destruction of Israel. He first made the comments in 2005, fueling international outrage. (June 3)
Taking aim once again at Israel and the UnitCalled States---
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad repeated inflammatory comments that he'd made three years ago:
VOX POP: Ahmadinejad Crowd UP
Saying Israel would soon disappear.
Ahmadinejad first made the remarks in 2005, fueling international outrage AND speculation that he was threatening the Jewish state with a nuclear weapon...
But while speaking at a ceremony honoring the late founder of Iran's Islamic Republic Monday --- Ahmadinejad told an audience that --- quote --- "this origin of corruption will soon be wiped off of the Earth's face."
Ahmadinejad also called the U-S a satanic power... that with -- God's will -- would be annihilated.
Iran cut ties with Israel and the United States in 1979 after their revolution toppled the nation's government.
On Tuesday, Ahmadinejad arrived in Rome for a U-N summit designed to help combat skyrocketing food prices worldwide.
His attendance at the meeting was denounced by both Jewish leaders and a host of political and activist groups.
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