Ultra-Orthodox Jews protest opening of car park on Jewish Sabbath

Published on Feb 17, 2021
(11 Jul 2009)
1. Israeli policemen pushing back ultra-Orthodox Jewish men trying to block road and entrance to car park open on Saturdays, the Jewish Sabbath
2. Pan from entrance of car park to policemen clashing with ultra-Orthodox protesters UPSOUND: ultra-Orthodox men chanting: "Shabes" (Yiddish word for Saturday)
3. Policemen blocking protesters from coming down from sidewalk to road, dozens of other ultra-Orthodox Jews watching from balconies
4. Ultra-Orthodox man laying on road in front of car to stop it entering car park, then being dragged away by policemen
5. Another protester dragged off road by policemen, more clashes between policemen and ultra-Orthodox Jews
6. Various of policemen pushing back protesters and dragging them off road
7. Zoom in on ultra-Orthodox man who went underneath bus wheels trying to stop it entering car park
8. Various of policemen crawling under bus to get protester out
9. Policemen dragging ultra-Orthodox men away
10. Israeli policemen chasing protesters towards narrow allies of Orthodox Jewish neighbourhood
11. Man being led away by policemen
12. Policemen running towards hundreds of rioters standing behind police barriers
13. Pan of policemen pushing back rioters trying to get to car park
14. Policemen in full riot gear pushing back protesters
15. Israeli police car passing site where two Orthodox Jews were stabbed in a fight with secular Jews
16. Ultra-Orthodox Jews walking in street
17. Street where Orthodox Jews were stabbed
Ultra-Orthodox Jews and police clashed in Jerusalem on Saturday over the opening of a car park on the Jewish Sabbath.
The ultra-Orthodox Jews consider the operation of the car park an abomination because Jewish law prohibits driving on the Sabbath.
The protesters shouted "shabes" - the Yiddish word for Sabbath - and threw rocks at police.
Police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said several dozen protesters broke through a police cordon to reach the car park, but officers held back most of the protesters and no one was hurt.
Ultra-Orthodox protesters who reached the car park lay on the road in front of cars trying to prevent traffic from entering.
One protester who got under the wheels of a bus was arrested by police.
Policemen clashed with protesters as they tried to keep the road open and access to the car park free.
Meanwhile, scuffles continued on the outskirts of the ultra-Orthodox area of Jerusalem, where more protesters tried to break through a security cordon to reach a car park recently opened on the Jewish Sabbath.
The municipal authorities opened the car park last month to ease illegal parking in the city's ancient walled quarter.
The opening of the car park rekindled tension between Jerusalem's religious and secular communities, which has been simmering for years as the ultra-Orthodox community has grown in size and influence.
Secular residents say the ultra-Orthodox Jews are trying to impose their beliefs on all Jerusalem, and the atmosphere is one reason thousands of secular residents have left the city each year.
In November, Nir Barkat won the mayor's race after running on a secular platform, defeating an ultra-Orthodox challenger.
Earlier on Saturday, two Orthodox Jews were stabbed and another was beaten in a pre-dawn fight with secular Jews in an ultra-Orthodox neighbourhood of the city, according to police spokesman Ben-Ruby.
He said the three men, who said they were attacked, were hospitalised with moderate wounds.
Circumstances surrounding the incident were unclear. Ben-Ruby said no further details would be available until the men could be interviewed again on Saturday evening. The assailants fled and no one was arrested.

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