Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Dec 7, 2023, Pearl Harbor, CRAZY HASSLES, White Date,“Nazi” Gold &more

Published on Dec 7, 2023
Brian Ruhe: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5S7F8dJqTPFA/
To all Friends of Willis Carto December 7, 2019, Pearl Harbor Reconsidered - This day of Infamy, which it certainly is, will be used by the establishment media, politicians, and warmongers to propagandize when the time comes again for the sacrifice of thousands of American lives. They will beat the drum for intervention in other countries’ battles , perhaps in the Middle East right now. After all, the Pearl Harbor disaster was a “surprise” attack. Or was it? We can’t be surprised again. The author, Ralph Townsend, a valued friend of Willis Carto, takes issue with that premise. America’s interests were with Japan who was battling Czarist Russia in the years 1904-1905 and beyond. We also supported its expansion and take-over of Korea and its domination of Manchuria. All this activity was financially supported by American Capitalists such as Jacob Schiff. Then, in 1917, when the Communists brutally destroyed Christian Russia by violent revolution, our interests switched suddenly to Russia. The American Left was actively supporting the Communists with large rallies in Madison Square Garden in March 1917. The history of American Liberals is covered with the bodies of millions of innocent victims who had no knowledge of background decisions behind closed doors. Communist movements were alive and well in the US during the 20’s and 30’s. A lot of European immigrants who landed on Ellis Island in those years were dyed-in-the-wool Socialist/Communists. They found sympathetic ears in the nation’s Capital. Roosevelt and Churchill had met secretly off the coast of Newfoundland in August 1941. The purpose was not to stop the war in Europe but to join it on England’s behalf. The claim of the “surprise” attack in December has been demolished by various historians. The victims, again, were innocent young sailors, sitting ducks in Pearl Harbor. Their destruction was decided by immoral politicians and a President who was probably under strong medication as alluded to by historians like George Morgenstern, Harry Elmer Barnes, Charles C. Tansill , John Toland and others. Opinions have been revised since to establish once and for all that Roosevelt and Churchill colluded to get the US into war, eventually on the side of communist Russia. One way or the other, no surprise attack. Turning eastern Europe over to the Communists was a cinch at the end of the war in l945, par-for-course it was all pre-set. Thank you. Elisabeth Carto
Please go to https://williscarto.org/articles-1/f/the-context-of-pearl-harbor
to read Ralph Townsend’s shocking account of treachery and deceit.
*** Harrassing Jim and US on Jim’s BitChute, Please complain with us.
From Jim Rizoli: This guy (@Revelation3:9 - below link) is posting really nasty, vulgar lies about my family and me along WITH MY PHONE NUMBER (I thought that was against your policies) as it allows others of his ilk to call and harass me. Again, he is OBVIOUSLY VIOLATING your POLICIES. Please check into this and do what is necessary to block his foul contributions against my family and me. He states he is launching this vulgar campaign against me because I banned him from my channel (for this very thing). I'm 71 yrs old and I don't need this harassment in my life.

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*** “Nazi” Gold: https://www.bitchute.com/video/gooLRbjFlP9s/
*** Animals and EMF

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