Disgusting Jew Banker Steals Millions from Followers and Now is Running for London Mayor
Published on Mar 10, 2021
This slimy Jew, Brian Rose, was an ex-banker. He stole millions from his followers of LondonReal, and now he's taking his jewish scams to another level. Don't fall for this kike and his tricks. He pretends he's pro-freedom of speech, but is actually not.
This video was mirrored from Coffeezilla's YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg9k8IvDCNI
Sidenote: Brian Rose's "Digital Freedom Platform" was supposed to be an opensource video sharing platfirm built from the ground up, and those donations were supposed to cover that cost. Instead of making a platform, he has someone make a frontend for Dailymotion (which is government owned). The cost to make a Dailymotion frontend would probably be around $200 max. He is asking for $250,000 per month to cover the "running costs". If you don't see it for the scam that it is, you're too far gone
Just a typical politician. Doesn't care about free-speech or individual liberties. He is a con-artist fraud tyrant.
Youtuber Coffeezilla tears this fraud a new one and rips apart his lies and deception. This video is mirrored from:
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